
Hypertropin HGH

Hypertropin (Hypertropin [rdna origin] injectable delivery) is a way to supplement the natural human growth hormone for people who may be deficient in this hormone. Some people do not naturally produce enough human growth hormone and use Hypertropin to elevate their HGH and IGF-1 levels. Hypertropin made by secretion technology, is identical to the natural human growth hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland.
Hypertropin is an exact replica of the amino acid sequence of natural human growth hormone that is made by the pituitary (191 aa sequence).
Hypertropin is a trademark of somatropin - recombinant human growth hormone, bioidentical to the human body's naturally produced growth hormone. It is manufactured by NeoGenica BioScience Ltd and comes in 12 IU / 4mg vials of lyopholized (freeze dried) powder. There are 10 vials per box, making it total of 120IU / 40mg per box. Hypertropin is to be reconstituted with plain sterile water for injection. Each HGH vial is mixed with 1ml of sterile water and injected either intramuscular (into the muscle) or subcutaneous (under the skin). The dosage depends on the purpose of the therapy. The most common use is 2IU per day for anti ageing purposes or 4IU per day for body building, shaping and body fat reduction. 8 to 16 IU per day is considered an extreme dose and is used as treatment of severe burns and to speed up recovery after injuries or surgery. Please consult your doctor to determine a proper dosage for you.
Hypertropin is indicated for:
    • Child onset or pediatric GH deficiency
    • Growth hormone deficiency in adults
    • Muscle wasting associated with various illnesses (including AIDS and Cachexia)
    • Idiopathic Short Stature
    • Short Stature Caused by Turner’s syndrome
    • Treatment for SGA and IUGR
    • Short stature caused by Prader-Willi syndrome
    • Treatment for children with rheumatoid arthritis
    • Treatment of Osteoporosis
    • Treatment for children with XLH
    • Growth problems caused by short bowel syndrome
    • Improper growth in children with Renal Disease
    • Recreationally used for bodybuilding
    • Recreationally used for weight loss
    • Recreationally used for anti aging
Long term management and replacement of GH in adult patients diagnosed with adult onset GH deficiency. The Hypertropin acts as a replacement for the naturally occurring, but absent, GH.
HGH use: mixing and dosing instructions
A 12 IU vial of Hypertropin is usually reconstituted with 1 ml of plain sterile water for injection. While bacteriostatic or saline water can also be used, it is recommended to reconstitute with plain sterile water.
Using an insulin type syringe with 100 markings on the side 1 ml of water is gently injected into the freeze dried powder vial. Water should not be injected directly into the powder with force. It should be let to slowly slide down the inside wall of the vial. While majority of the powder will dissolve in seconds, there will be some lumps remaining. Do not shake the vial. If you leave the val in refrigerator for 15 to 30 minutes all the powder lumps should dissolve. Before use, gently rotate the vial between your fingers (do not shake). The mixture can now be injected either subcutaneously (SQ) or intramuscularly (IM).
Dosage depends on the purpose. People generally use 2 IU per day for anti aging purposes, 4 IU per day for fat loss and bodybuilding, 8 IU per day to treat severe burns or injuries. If taking more than 2IU per day, it is best to split the injections into 2IU parts. One in the morning, one in late afternoon, etc.
Proper storage of growth hormone
Somatropin is a very sensitive molecule which gets destroyed by high temperatures and vigorous shaking. Both the freeze dried powder vials and the liquid HGH mixture of Hypertropin should be refrigerated at all times (but never frozen). While in freeze dried form, the HGH is resilient to damage from shaking and heat. During transport the lyophilized growth hormone powder will survive at room temperatures for up to 8 weeks and high temperatures for approximately 10 days.
Hypertropin side effects
The side effects of Hypertropin are identical to any high quality growth hormone brand. The onset of side effects depends on the dosage, duration and each individual’s body reaction to HGH. The side effects of growth hormone may include the typical: carpal tunnel syndrome, afternoon baby naps, water retention, morning aches and hypoglycemia.
Positive effects of HGH
Some of the positive effects of somatropin are: increased muscle mass, deeper sleep, smoother skin, increased metabolism, reduction of body fat reserves, greater cardiac output, improved immune system, stronger bones, increased sex drive (libido), faster recovery after injuries or severe burns, improved growth rate of hair and nails, higher energy levels, etc.

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